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  4. Notes & Note Dispensers
  5. Post-it® Notes Cube 2051-3PK, 2 in x 2 in, Assorted Neon/Ultra

Post-it® Notes Cube 2051-3PK, 2 in x 2 in, Assorted Neon/Ultra

  • 3M ID 70005131100

2 in x 2 in, Assorted Bright Colors

Always know where your notes are with these stylish cubes

Little notes carry big thoughts

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  • 2 in x 2 in, Assorted Bright Colors
  • Always know where your notes are with these stylish cubes
  • Little notes carry big thoughts
  • Cubes in assorted Bright colors will grab attention
  • 400 Sheets Cube, 3 Cubes/Pack
  • All Post-it® Notes are recyclable
  • All Post-it® Notes are SFI Chain of Custody Certified. Paper comes from well-managed forests, where trees are replanted

Post-it® Notes in mini-cubes for note after note in vibrant colors. Each cube is 400 sheets. Pack contains 3 cubes in assorted bright colors.

Post-it® Notes Cube in 2 in x 2 in size helps you to always know where your notes are. The size is just right to make sure your thoughts go a long way. Assorted Bright colors will grab even the busiest person's attention. 400 Sheets Cube, 3 Cubes/Pack.
