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  5. Post-it® Pop-up Notes R330-12AN 3 in x 3 in Neon Colors

Post-it® Pop-up Notes R330-12AN 3 in x 3 in Neon Colors

  • 3M ID 70005131548

3 in x 3 in, Neon Collection

Always at your fingertips and where you need them

Great for phone numbers or a short to-do list

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  • 3 in x 3 in, Neon Collection
  • Always at your fingertips and where you need them
  • Great for phone numbers or a short to-do list
  • The Neon Collection is bold and dynamic
  • 12 Pads/Pack
  • All Post-it® Notes are recyclable
  • All Post-it® Notes are SFI Chain of Custody Certified. Paper comes from well-managed forests, where trees are replanted

Post-it® Pop-up Notes in neon colors make your message stand out. The accordion-style notes pop up, one by one, keeping notes right at your fingertips. One-handed dispensing from a Post-it® Pop-up Note Dispenser makes grabbing a note easy.

Post-it® Pop-up Notes in 3 in x 3 in size are always at your fingertips. They are great for phone numbers or a short to-do list. With the Neon Collection, your messages will stand out in a bold and dynamic way. These accordion-style notes pop up one after another from a Post-it® Note Dispenser. 12 Pads/Pack.
